Monday, February 28, 2011

59/365 Macro love

So I literally got this "new to me" lens in the mail today and only snapped a few pics but I can tell I am going to love this Canon 100mm 2.8 macro! I have always loved those pics the wedding photographers do of their rings so I snapped this quick one of my ring. Can't wait till things start to bloom to get some pics outdoors! Love new toys!

Sunday 58/365

I know this is not a great picture technically in any way. I just love that it is February and it is mild enough that we grilled out this evening and roasted/caught marshmallows on fire on our deck afterwards!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

57/365 Painting Pottery with my girl

My daughter and I painted pottery today at "Fired Up' and had a great time while my husband and son were at the shooting range. I didn't have my DSLR with me but my camera phone did pretty good! Here is her creation--totally her! We pick up our finished creations next weekend!

Friday, February 25, 2011


Saw a pic like this on the "I Love Faces" blog and my daughter and I tried to duplicate it. It was in the evening and with not a lot of great light, so I couldn't get my shutter speed high enough to really freeze the motion of the sequins she was blowing. It turned out cute, but wasn't as easy to duplicate as I might have thought! We had fun anyway!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

55/365 Playing with processing

Just took a few pics of my daughter tonight and tried some different's not my every day kind of thing, but I do like the soft look of this picture.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

54/365 What 10 year old boys love

Love this--found in my son's backpack. So this is what 10 year old boys love: fast sports cars, money, cell phones, ice cream, (all they had were photos of weight watchers bars, he informed me) pizza, and the Geico commercials.
Which only proves my theory that often grown men are very much just like 10 year old boys!!!!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

53/365 Happy Birthday Savannah

A while back I posted about our friend, Savannah, who is fighting an aggressive form of soft tissue cancer. Our whole community has become decorated in green bows. Lime green is Savannah's favorite color. We have them everywhere-- mailboxes, stop signs, trees, on the front of school buses and throughout the Elementary School where she is a student! There has been an incredible show of support in this community for this sweet girl. Tomorrow is her 11th birthday. Since she was diagnosed at 5, she has been battling this disease for more than 1/2 of her life. Unfortunately, her tumors are no longer responsive to treatment and have grown and spread extensively--into her bones as well as her lungs and she has been started on hospice care to help with her pain control.

We spent the evening making cards, bows to wear on our shirts, and blowing up balloons for our sweet friend. We plan on dropping our gift off in the morning to let her know we are thinking of her on her birthday and we pray for her every day!

We love you, Savannah!

Monday, February 21, 2011


X number of years out of college, and I still can't stop procrastinating when it comes to studying. I had a renewal class I had to take today and I'm up at 4 am today trying to review the stuff since I left it to the last minute. You would think I learn...

Sunday Feb 20th 51/365 Sleep is overrated

This is what is see every time my 10 year old goes to a sleepover birthday party and stays up half the night. Here we are at home at 2 pm today. Hope he sleeps tonight!

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Burning question--How sour are extreme sour lemon warheads?

Answer--EXTREME sour!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day 47/365

I remain in awe of these awesome food bloggers I see because photographing food well is seriously hard to do!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 46/365

I love it when I see my kids randomly doing something I used to do when I was a kid. I remember when we used to twist our hands together like this, and one of your friends would point to one of our fingers and we would try to wiggle that finger. I had forgotten all about doing that until I saw my kids doing it today!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Sunday, February 13, 2011

44/365 Run in the Sun

Just a shot of the location of my morning run today. It was 50 degrees and sunny--so invigorating! Perfect running weather!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

43/365 Grandma's Pot

We affectionately refer to my large Le Creuset stockpot as "grandmas pot". When I bought it last year I was always experimenting with new recipes to cook in it since I loved the way it cooked so much! My husband always said he could never wait to see what the pot was cooking up that day! It reminded me of when I was a kid and I would go to my grandmother's house she would always have a big pot of "something" cooking on her stove. Tonight it is boiling chicken for a casserole I am bringing to a friend who recently had surgery.

42/365 Friday

I just love my new Ketti camera bag and had to post a picture of it! I just got it last week and I love it. It holds a ton of stuff but doesn't look big or bulky. The straps are just long enough to fit on my shoulder comfortably and it is super cute. All her handbags are hand sewn and very well constructed. I see she even has some new spring fabrics on her

Thursday, February 10, 2011

41/365 Theme of the week

I see a recurring theme in this weeks posts and it involves wine! Is it the weekend yet? Time for a little downtime...

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

40/365 Project Life

I was so excited to get my Becky Higgins Project Life scrapbook in today that I ordered! I am very excited about this project as one of my goals this year is to do a better job of not only taking pictures of my family but actually printing these pictures and getting them into albums. I am very bad about this. I take tons of pictures but get very few of them printed--they are mostly all on my computer. This looks like a very doable project for me--I wannabe scrapbooker that doesn't have much time to do it. I plan to start working on it this weekend!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

39/365 Growing his hair

My son has been growing his hair. I will be kind of glad when this Justin Beiber inspired look kind of passes--I like being able to see his eyes!

Monday, February 7, 2011

38/365 Homework

My daughter working on a homework assignment this evening, her book report on Harriet Tubman.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

37/365 Kill the Hill!

Set out in the sun today for a nice run on a hilly course--ugh! I am training for the Country Music 1/2 Marathon in April. They developers of the race announced last week that they revised the course this year to incorporate MORE hills. I have run this race twice before and the course already had PLENTY of hills! So my new running mantra is "Kill the Hill". Of course after killing some hills I had to treat myself--skinny hazelnut latte!

Saturday, February 5, 2011


My painting has now made it from studio to hang in my kitchen!

Friday, February 4, 2011

35/365 GNO

I resorted to posting a pic with my point and shoot. We had a girls night out tonight where a bunch of us got together to paint. Here is my finished masterpiece!

34/365 February 3rd

Shutterfly had my computer tied up last evening so I am posting late for yesterday. Here's some of my yummy caramel filled chocolate cookies I made for my girls night gathering tonight. We are meeting at a local place called the "Art Mill" for painting with friends as well as a little wine and snacks. Can't wait--love my GNOs!